Our operating principles

  • Its more than just climate change: The Anthropocene reflects a complex and interacting set of global ecological changes driven by profound economic, social, technological, political and cultural forces.


  • Think globally, but act locally: While we need to understand the global ecological changes and the global socio-economic and cultural drivers of those changes, we cannot wait for global or national leadership; we need to act locally to change our own circumstances.


  • Reconciliation: Enhancing our understanding and appreciation of the culture and values of Indigenous people would serve to advance both reconciliation with them and reconciliation with the land and societal wellness.


  • Local capacity and empowerment: While we can and should learn from others around the world, we have adequate local expertise, ability and capacity to address these challenges.


  • There are many benefits and opportunities in becoming a One Planet Region.


  • We need socio-cultural transformation: While undoubtedly we need to develop scientific knowledge and apply technological innovations, the solutions are largely to be found in a profound transformation of our social values and cultural beliefs.


  • Ecosocial justice is a key issue: The transition to a One Planet Region has to enhance and certainly not worsen eco-social justice locally, globally, across generations and among species.