Kitchen Table Conversations

Under development – we are piloting the KTC Guide and are looking for volunteers – please contact Trevor Hancock –


September 24th, 5 – 7 PM

Creating cultural change/evolution

The Kitchen Table Conversation (KTC) is exactly what it sound like: a well-established social technology based on the simple observation that conversations have happened around kitchen tables for centuries; the core elements are sharing food and being small. 

We want to spark hundreds of KTCs in the Greater Victoria Region among families, friends and neighbours, fellow students and work-mates, and in community organisations such as faith communities, service clubs or community associations. 

We want them to discuss the concept of a One Planet Region and its implications for their lives, work and community. 

We will:

  • Prepare a simple Guide and supportive resource materials
  • Provide a brief orientation, both for the hosts and for them to share with their guests. 
  • Encourage people to report the key points of their KTCs through our website to the wider community.